The project will create OPEN Educational resources and digital tools to be freely used by everyone inside and outside the academic context. We are working on the development of 3 main resources:

1. A HANDBOOK on key Competences for study and research in a changing world
2. A serious GAME (based on the mechanics of an escape room)
3. An AI MODEL for predicting grit and academic success

Key Competences for Study and Research in a Changing World
The essays collected in the handbook shed light upon the main challenges of our society and the role of universities in the contemporary scenario. The handbook ponders over issues such as the third mission of universities, the relation between civic engagement and academic success. It offers a focus on the importance of skills which go beyond technical skills and includes an implementation guidance on how to grow grit.
The handbook is the result of coordinated participatory action research activities done at a European level. We are involving more than 80 researchers, 80 members of the academic communities and 240 students.
The GRIT digital escape room
An adventure game which cleverly features escape-room elements and adventure choice mechanics. The objectives of the game are:
- Introduce the role of non-cognitive skills for career development.
- Present them with various challenges to face through the puzzles in the game and show the results of their actions.
- Through these results, teach them the correct approach in facing these challenges and the concepts that will help them in their work (linked to the ResearchComp).
- Know and extend knowledge with Open Science tools.
An AI model for predicting grit and academic success.
The GRIT teams are working to develop an innovative methodology to measure grit in young researchers. The work is in progress and updates will be available soon!