The GRIT project

Grit is a European project funded by Erasmus+ that focuses on improving and developing motivation and engagement in academic students and young researchers.

The project focuses on the element of GRIT as a high-potential construct that could reshape the academic Third Mission. Grit is defined as “perseverance and passion for long-term goals” (Duckworth, Peterson,Matthews, & Kelly, 2007, p. 1087).
Grit has been found to be highly predictive of success and performance and is distinct from other traits such as conscientiousness. It also means, “not just resilience in the face of failure, but also having deep commitments that you remain loyal to over many years” (Duckworth cited in Perkins-Gough, 2013, p. 16). Moreover, “knowledge is not something objective and removed from our bodies, experiences and emotions but is created through our experiences of the world as a sensuous and affective activity”(Hubbard et al., 2001: 126). It is in fact through our emotions that we make sense of and relate to our physical, natural and social worlds (Hubbard et al., 2001). All these skills in fact, refer to a combination of knowledge, tools, values and attitudes that enable effective and efficient personal or professional performance.

GRIT is a project on the promotion of grit through innovative digital and pedagogical methodologies with a high potential for specific impact in effectively transforming the academic Third Mission to better prepare students and researchers to become key players in contemporary society.

The survey: participatory and deliberative practices in European universities

Academic Third Mission is a priority for Universities’ agendas. Nowadays, the Academic Third Mission (related to societal impact of universities) needs to focus on the way academic communities interact both internally and with the external context. Moving from an Entrepreneurial University to a Resilient University in a complex society prefigures a changing paradigm of what we called Academic Third Mission and of how universities respond to what society expects from the outcomes of the academic activities. Aligning Institutional Third Missions under a shared mindset for researchers, academic students and local stakeholders is a pivotal objective to achieve a Resilient European Higher Educational System. The questionnaire is targeted to university staff/professors/researchers involved in managing/delivering the activities mentioned above. Filling the questionnaire takes around 20 minutes. We define “technology transfer” as: “Technology transfer is the process of sharing and disseminating knowledge, skills, and innovations between different organizations or countries. This exchange can foster economic growth, improve productivity, and stimulate innovation in various sectors.” Your contribution is precious and will be used to:  
  • Enrich a repository of good practices In Europe which will be showcased in a handbook and on the project website.
  • Help us better identify needs of universities to improve their deliberative practices.
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